Chickpea salad with spinach and sweet potatoes

Kichererbsen-Spinat-Salat -2You don´t win friends with salad, you don´t win friends with salaaaad….I must admit, I have to disagree with Bart. I mean sure, if somebody makes me pancakes or chocolate cake I might have to marry that person. But I do love a good Salad. I eat salads on an almost daily basis and I´m always on a lookout for new recipes. And then I found this one.

Continue reading “Chickpea salad with spinach and sweet potatoes”

Homemade almond-hazelnut milk

Mandel-Haselnuss-Milch -5I know, I know, the trend to make your own nut milk has been overly exhausted by now. There are probably a billion recipes out there, so why should mine be any different? Well, to anyone who says “geez Ineke, get creative, I´ve already done it a thousand times”, I hope you´ll accept me into the nut-milk-lover-club. To anyone else: You have to try this recipe!! Continue reading “Homemade almond-hazelnut milk”

Strawberry cream roll

Erdbeer-Rolle -3
Finally, strawberries are back in season again. It felt like winter would never end this year. Not because this winter was particularly harsh (it snowed only two days) but because the dark, grey and rainy days seemed to last longer than usual. Which might be the reason why I am over sensitive for everything spring related lately. The longer days, the sun, the flowers and trees that bloom and blossom and most of all, the food that is back in season. Rhubarb, strawberries, asparagus, just to name a few. Spring is back y´all. Continue reading “Strawberry cream roll”

Rhubarb cake with streusel

Rhabarber-Streusel-Kuchen -2It´s been awfully quiet on this blog this last three weeks. You could basically hear a pin drop and see tumbleweeds flying by. Don´t worry, I am not planning on quitting this whole blog thing. I just caught up doing so much other stuff (university, work, chilling on the balcony) that I didn’t have time to focus on the important things. Aka cake. But here I am and I brought rhubarb-streusel cake with me.This cake is pretty much spring on a plate. It´s one of my favorites and very very typical for Germany. Which goes great with my cake-challenge. You can use any other fruit that it is in season but I love to make this cake during spring time. Rhubarb is just one of my favorites, mostly because it once rhubarb is in season, summer is not far away. Which means long nights, lots of sunshine and so much fruit. Continue reading “Rhubarb cake with streusel”

German Easter challah bread with cranberries and marzipan

Osterzopf-1My favorite excuse to ignore my university duties is „if I edit the pictures and write the blogpost today, I´ll have more time to completely focus on my essay tomorrow”. Yeaaaah…like that´s going to work. Anyone who knows me knows that tomorrow I´ll find another excuse to procrastinate. Like cleaning the bathroom, watering my herbs, cleaning out my closet or taking out the trash. All very important things that definitely need to be done, because then I can concentrate better. So this blogpost is brought to you by my politics essay which as of now is still unfinished. I´ll get to it tomorrow, I´ll promise. Continue reading “German Easter challah bread with cranberries and marzipan”