Cheesecake – after a family recipe

IMG_5052There are some dishes that just don´t taste right when using a different recipes or ordering them in a restaurant. For me, that is true for my mom’s lasagna, my dad´s pasta and this cheesecake. They are just such typical family recipes. I´ve tried different recipes but with what I knew from home in mind, I always ended up being disappointed. Therefore, when it comes to making any of these recipes, I just trust in the ones I have. They are foolproof. At least for me.

IMG_5027Which brings me to this cheesecake. Apparently this recipe has been in the family for years. I don´t know where exactly my grandma got it from, but she gave it to her daughters and that´s how I ended up with it. This cheesecake is basically all my childhood combined in on recipe. I´ve made (and ate) it so many times, I know it by heart.
The recipe itself is not very difficult to make. All you need is a shortpastry and the filling. Which brings us to the tricky part. The not-so-secret-ingredient which makes the whole thing so tasty is the filling, which is made with Quark. Quark is a mixture between yoghurt and cream cheese, kind of like greek yoghurt, you can get it everywhere here in Germany. It is not so common in other countries though. I remember searching everywhere for it in the US, I did find it in Spain, but only in a couple of supermarkets. My dictionary offers curd as a translation, is that something known in the English speaking countries? I would love to get some feedback.
IMG_5036Anyway, if you´ve never heard of Quark and can´t get it anywhere, I suggest using half yoghurt, half cream cheese. Or you could try cottage cheese, just make sure to get a smooth filling in the end. Let me know how it turns out.
You can also spice things up by adding some lemon zest or vanilla bean to the filling. I like this cake best after it has spent a night in the fridge. Feel free to add any topping you like, some berries go great with it.

For the shortpastry:
250 g flour
125 g sugar
150 g butter
1 egg
1 tbsp. Baking powder
For the filling:
500 g Quark, yoghurt and cream cheese or cottage cheese.
125 g sugar
40 g flour
50 g butter
2 eggs
1 tbsp. vanilla extract

1) Mix flour, sugar, melted butter, egg and baking powder in a bowl and knead well. Place in a greased spring form.
2) For the filling, mix Quark, sugar, melted butter, eggs and vanilla extract until you have a smooth cream. Place on top of the shortpastry. Bake the cake for about 45 minutes at 175°C.



8 thoughts on “Cheesecake – after a family recipe

  1. Hi there, I am in Canada. We are able to get quark in the stores now and in the specialty delicatesons. If you cant find quark, I remember my oma buying bakers cheese. She used that with great success. Take care! Keep up with your baking!

    1. Hey Karen, thanks for your feedback. I was trying to figure out what could be substituted for Quark, your idea sounds pretty good. So for all the Canadians…try bakers cheese and let me know how it turns out. 🙂

    2. Hallo,das ist ein tolles Rezept ohne dieses doofes Puddingpulver.Ich wollte fragen ob man die Eier trennen kann und das Eiweiss zu Schnee schlagen und zuletzt unterheben könnte.Schöne Grüsse aus Luxemburg

      1. Das kann man bestimmt, ich habe es selber noch nicht ausprobiert. Könnte mir vorstellen, dass das Ganze dann ein wenig lockerer wird. Probier es doch einfach aus. : ) Liebe Grüße!

  2. Sieht super lecker aus der Käsekuchen, wollte ihn nun am Samstag einmal nach backen.
    Welche Größe hat denn die Springform die du benutzt hattest?

    Liebe Grüße Mia

    1. Hey Mia, ich habe eine ganz normale Springform benutzt, 26 oder 28 cm Durchmesser passt prima. Viel Spaß beim Backen! Ineke

  3. Der sieht soooo lecker aus. Gibt es denn keinen Käsekuchen ohne Eier? Ich bin hoch allergisch auf Ei und finde kein schmackhaftes Rezept 🙁

    1. Hallo Mo, für gebackenen Käsekuchen fällt mir da spontan keine Alternative für Ei ein. Hast du es schon mal mit den kalten Käsekuchen Rezepten probiert? Die werden meistens mit Gelatine oder Agatine gemacht und sind auch super lecker, schmecken allerdings natürlich anders als die aus dem Ofen.

      Beispiel Rezept findest zu du zum Beispiel hier:

      Ansonsten findet man bei Google ja die verrücktesten Sachen, da gibt´s bestimmt auch das ein oder andere Rezept ohne Ei. Viel Erfolg! 🙂

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