Merry Christmas!

Sunday evening we got to enjoy an impromptu jam session. Four guitars and one cajón made for some lovely moments in front of the chimney. It wasn´t long before a small fan club gathered to listen. It was during this moment that we decided to record the Christmas spirit and made a little video for you to enjoy.

I wish everyone a lovely holiday, filled with joy, laughter, loved ones and good food. For those who might not be celebrating Christmas, I nonetheless hope you have some relaxing days with your loved ones. I Hope everyone has a great start into the New Year, I will see you all in 2015. Continue reading “Merry Christmas!”

Fall is here…

ÄpfelFall is here! The days are getting shorter, the evenings colder, the first leaves are changing their color and there are apples everywhere. Summer is slowly saying goodbye and I am not quite sure yet if I am happy about it or not. I didn’t get to enjoy this summer as much, since I spend most time locked up behind my laptop writing my bachelor thesis. I do like what fall brings though. Apples and plums and pumpkins…I guess you just got to make the best of each season and I very much intend to do so this fall.


Continue reading “Fall is here…”