So, apparently Cake Pops are the new thing now. I´ve never tried them before but they look so cute and colorful and sweet, so I decided to give it a try. And I have to say, they are actually really good. And not that difficult to make. At least the first steps. It´s not that easy to decorate them in such a way that they look kind of professional in the end. The chocolate starts dropping right away and doesn´t care that you want to decorate it with sprinkles so it might take a while to find a way to decorate the cake pops without making too big of a mess. But I think they don´t look too bad for the first try.
To make this sweet deliciousness, you need a cake. Because they really just are cake on a stick. They are called cake pops for a reason. (Somebody was really creative with the name.)
You need:
125 g butter
125 g sugar
2 eggs
125 g flour
1/4 tbsp. baking soda
First, mix butter and sugar. Add the eggs, flour and baking soda and mix until you have a nice and soft paste. Put in a cake pan and bake for 25 minutes (160°). Take out of the oven and let cool. It needs to be completely cool in order to continue with the further steps.
Once the cake is cold enough, use your hands or a fork to create little crumbs. Then, mix 70 g of fresh cheese and 140 g powdered sugar and add to the crumbs. You should have a nice dough that can be formed with your hands. Make little balls and put them in the fridge, or better, in the freezer. They need to harden and become really cold, that way the decoration process works much better. They should need about an hour in the fridge or up to 20 minutes in the freezer.
Now for the fun part: decoration!
We need couverture, in whatever flavor you like. Let it melt and put in a cup, that way it is easier to dip the cake pops into the melted chocolate. Dip the tip of the cake pop sticks into the melted chocolate and insert into the cake balls about half-way. Then, dip the cake pops into the chocolate and slowly turn them while removing. Once you feel that it is safe to decorate them without the chocolate dropping like crazy, turn the cake pop, decorate them with sprinkles, hearts, chocolate or whatever you think is great and quickly put them in a glass so they can stand up. I discovered that it is best to put them in the fridge right away, that way the chocolate cools before it can drop and ruin the decoration. Use the rest of the chocolate and decoration to make the rest of the cake pops.
Your kitchen should look like a mess once you are done. But you can reward yourself for cleaning up the kitchen with a cake pops. Or maybe two…
I was kind of impressed by the cake pops. Because sometimes you try something new only because it is a big hype all of a sudden, but actually it´s not that good, or too sweet or just a pain to make. But the cake pops are really addictive, you can´t just have one! And they are a nice little present too. I think I´ll try them again sometime!
Hey Ineke!
Deine Rezepte sind verlockend und regen zum Nachmachen an.
Ich werde mit Sicherheit einige nachkochen oder backen.
Diese Cake Pops auf alle Fälle. Die sehen wirklich toll aus, sind nicht der übliche Natoeinheitsbrei, vor allem aber klein und witzig 🙂
Die muss man einfach in den Mund stecken!
Ich hoffe, ich sehe und lese bald wieder von Dir.
Liebe Grüße,
Hallo Sabee,
Freut mich das dir mein Blog gefällt, ich freue mich über jeden neuen Besucher. 🙂
DIe Cake Pops haben mich auch schwer begeistert, da folgen bestimmt noch einige Kreationen. Aber es gibt ja noch so viel leckeres was man ausprobieren möchte…
Viele liebe Grüße,